AMITIAE - Monday 29 July 2013

Epson Releases SG-8003CG Frequency-Programmable Crystal Oscillator and SG-Writer II Programming Writer

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By Graham K. Rogers


Epson SG-8003CG Epson Corporation has a considerable amount of experience and knowledge about the use of piezo-electronic applications and quartz crystal technology. The company recently announced that its latest programmable crystal oscillator - designated the SG-8003CG - has now gone into volume production.

The new oscillator in the SG-8003 series has a much smaller footprint than those in previous versions, which will help reduce the size of printed circuit boards. Along with the new oscillator, but sold separately, Epson has also released the SG-Writer II programming tool that can be used to program the oscillators, thus reducing product development time.

Graham K. Rogers teaches at the Faculty of Engineering, Mahidol University in Thailand where he is also Assistant Dean. He wrote in the Bangkok Post, Database supplement on IT subjects. For the last seven years of Database he wrote a column on Apple and Macs.



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